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Monday, August 11, 2008

A Question

Does the church today, in particular the American church, enjoy peace and increase in numbers? If so, why? If not, why not? Ok, so I have more than one question.

Acts 9:31 says:
Meanwhile the church throughout Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had peace and was built up. Living in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, it increased in numbers. (NRSV)

Now let's look at the question again. Do we in the American church live in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit?

Please, I look forward to your thoughts.


Tobias Valdez said...

I think the church in America (which I consider myself a part of, and am committed to) is all about the comfort of the Holy Spirit. But I'm not so sure on the fear of the Lord part.

We often hear about how this event or that event will bring in x amount of people and x amount of lives have been changed by the Power of the Gospel, usually it has happened in another country. But, here, where I'm at, I haven't seen anything like that.

Various churches may grow in numbers from time to time, but what I see more often is that one church grows in numbers because another church gets smaller in numbers. The people are just shifting from one place to another. Not a whole lot of growth from new believers, or non-church goers. And I think a lot of it has to do with us, as the body of Christ. We have over the last several decades withdrawn from society, from the culture and have since lost a lot of influence in culture. (Of course this may sound like a repeat from a few weeks ago about reclaiming the 7 mountains), but I believe that was right on the mark. I want to see God's power, I want to stand in awe of what He does in our city!

My prayer has become that of Habakuk:

"LORD, I have heard of your fame;
I stand in awe of your deeds, O LORD.
Renew them in our day,
in our time make them known;
in wrath remember mercy." Hab. 3:2

Babione 6 said...

I have been thinking about this all day. My thoughts are that a big part of the American church has lost it's fear of God and the comfort they seek really isn't the comfort of the Holy Spirit, but a superficial comfort. However, while I do think it is wise to be discerning, I hope that these realizations draw us to our knees where we cry out to God. After all, it is His church and I'm very certain that He is aware of all this. I'm also certain that if we ask Him what we are to do, then He will tell us. Let's be weary of trying to fix His church our way.

I thought Toby's response was great, and Toby, I join you in your prayer.

Great discussion, babe.

I love you,

Becca said...

So I've been thinking on this for several days now, and I have to agree with Bridget & Toby.
The American church today in the world we live in HAS lost it's fear in God. And most people, don't even know what it means to FEAR GOD!
And furthermore, like Bridget said, they put their comfort in other things, worldly things instead of relying on the Holy Spirit for it!
I also agree with Toby on that new churches DO grow in numbers, but unfortunately, the others decrease.
If we, as the church, truly live in the fear of the Lord AND in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, then imagine that God can do in this world?!! That, in itself, gets me pumped up~!
~Great post & comments guys~