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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Thoughts About the Church

Tall Skinny Kiwi strikes another (although not original) thought about the church. Bridge and I have felt similarly for some time, although not necessarily as strongly as we once did. This is a great reminder about what being the church means. Makes me think. How about you?

Soli Deo Gloria

1 comment:

Tobias Valdez said...

This is something I still struggle with, but it hasn't been at the forefront of my mind for awhile. At least not until yesterday. I really struggled with the "program" or order of the worship service we were a part of.

I'm sure you, R.C., would understand what I mean, but for clarity's sake, and because you never know who is going to read this, let me just say, I am grateful to be a part of ACF and excited about what God is doing in the midst of His people. I'm 100% supportive and submitted to the leadership of ACF. I don't always know what they are doing, or how God may be leading them, but because of my experience with them, I trust them and I trust God.

To keep this from getting any longer than it is, maybe my thoughts about church are clearer here. They are brief, but perhaps they will be discussed more in depth later.